Explaining the Ongoing Changes at Apollo Veve Baze

Maskani Leo Pdf Download English, Friday, Oct 11, 2024 (Swahili Edition Tomorrow).

SECTION 1: Joint Editorial by askMRMOI & Paul Kimani

The winds of change at Apollo Veve Baze are unmistakable. Whether you’ve seen the fresh additions or heard the new buzz, one thing is clear—Apollo Veve Baze is transforming, and it’s a change that’s reshaping our identity and purpose. But, as with any change, not everyone understands or welcomes it. Let’s take a moment to address every MwanaBaze and community member with thoughts, concerns, or confusion about what’s going on.

To the Genuinely Ignorant

You might be sitting there wondering, “What’s really happening at Apollo Veve Baze?” And that’s okay. Here’s the truth: We’re redefining how Jaba chewing is viewed in Gatura and beyond. 
For too long, it’s been associated with negative stereotypes—idlers, criminals, or the jobless. We believe this narrative needs to change. Jaba is part of our culture, but it needs a better image, one that reflects pride, not shame. 

So, Apollo Veve Baze is taking steps to make sure our space is seen as a place of positive interaction and growth, not as a den of crime and hopelessness. That’s what the new look is about—building an environment where Jaba culture is admired, respected, and even envied.

To the Dismissive and Uninterested

For those of you shrugging off the changes and saying, “This doesn’t concern me,” let’s be real—this affects us all. Whether you chew Jaba at Apollo v Baze or not, the perception of our Baze and its members spills into the wider society. 
If we allow the negative stereotypes to persist, we reinforce them. By transforming Apollo Veve Baze into a hub of positivity and responsibility, we’re not just changing our space—we’re shifting the image of Jaba in Gatura and its environs, making it something we can be proud of. Isn’t it worth paying attention to that?

To the Adamant and Resistant

We know there are those who want the old Apollo Veve Baze back, the one that only served a few, while others suffered under the shadows of exclusion. But let’s be clear: the old order is gone. It only benefited a select few and kept many in the shadows. The new Apollo Veve Baze is for everyone—creating a space where growth, inclusion, and community flourish. If your way of doing things meant holding others back, then this change may feel uncomfortable, but it is necessary. The days of exclusivity are over.

To the Petty, Envious and Narrow-Minded

Some of you may feel that askMRMOI has taken your place or that the old way suited you better. Let’s set the record straight—askMRMOI is a professional with no time for such childish pettiness. Change doesn’t erase anyone’s contributions, but it does require new and fresh ideas to move forward. 

The progress we’re making isn’t about replacing people; it’s about replacing outdated systems that no longer serve the majority. Holding onto envy only narrows your vision of what we can achieve together. The space for Jaba chewing isn’t shrinking—it’s expanding, but only for those willing to grow with it.

To the Supporters and Admirers of the Change

Finally, to those who see the positive shift, who admire the new direction, and have even supported us materially—you are the backbone of this transformation. Your contributions, whether in kind, effort, or simply standing by us, have made it possible to redefine our image and grow our Jaba chewing culture. 

Jaba, in its redefined image, can become a source of pride, not a mark of shame, because of your belief in the vision. We thank you, and we invite you and others to continue being a part of this movement, showing others that Apollo Veve Baze is a place of pride, not pity.

The Path Forward

No matter where you stand, one thing remains certain—the changes at Apollo Veve Baze will continue. The old ways are not an option anymore. We are building something better, something stronger, and something more inclusive. Jaba will no longer carry the stigma it has carried in our locality for years. Instead, it will be seen as part of a culture that fosters pride, community, and growth.

Let’s move forward together, because the new Apollo Veve Baze is here to stay! 

SECTION 2: askMRMOI Coffee Talks - starts Monday, October 14

Every day from 5 PM to 9 PM, Apollo Veve Baze comes alive with an exciting opportunity for WanaBaze to expand their knowledge on world politics—right over a cup of coffee. "askMRMOI Coffee Talks" is your chance to engage in meaningful discussions, ask burning questions, and delve deep into the latest global political events and how they shape our world. 

Here’s how it works:

Any MwanaBaze curious about global political matters simply orders askMRMOI a cup of AvB Kahawa. In return, askMRMOI will not only answer your question, but also order you a cup of coffee, creating a relaxed yet informative exchange. The conversation is interactive, so if another MwanaBaze wants to ask a follow-up question, they can order their own cup of AvB Kahawa and jump into the conversation. It’s a simple gesture—buy a coffee, get involved, and leave the Baze more knowledgeable than when you arrived.

As the facilitator of these discussions, askMRMOI draws from years of experience in both mainstream & online journalism, covering a wide range of political issues from local Kenyan politics to international affairs. With this background, askMRMOI has an informed perspective that’s not only insightful but also accessible to those who might be new to political discourse.

So, whether you’re a seasoned follower of global politics or someone curious to learn more, these coffee sessions are designed for everyone. The atmosphere at Apollo Veve Baze during this time is one of collaboration and open conversation. WanaBaze can freely share their thoughts, ask about recent developments, or explore topics that might not always make it to mainstream media discussions.

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to participate in "askMRMOI Coffee Talks"—an experience that’s as enriching as it is enjoyable. Grab your cup of AvB Kahawa, engage, and watch how a simple question over a cup of coffee and jaba can broaden your understanding of the world. 

Paul Kimani: Proprietor &  Team Leader
Naftaly Kiguru: Baze Affairs, Discipline & Guest Relations
askMRMOI: Media, Imaging & Public Relations
© Maskani Leo English is a Publication of Apollo v Baze, 2024.